Stakeholder Engagement Projects

Karen, Chin and Mizo Communities Consultation
Community consultation
We completed consultations to improve access to community services for people from Karen, Chin and Mizo communities in eastern Melbourne. These communities originated in Myanmar.
The project included consultations with community leaders and young people.
We also consulted widely with community and government service providers committed to more culturally safe, accessible and effective services, including refugee and newly-arrived services, health services, government services, local government and education providers.
More than 75 people participated in the consultation.
Housing Justice Partnership
Government engagement strategy & infographic
We assisted Inner Melbourne Community Legal (IMCL) Housing Justice Partnership to develop a government engagement strategy, including an infographic of recent evaluation findings.
The Housing Justice Partnership brings together a community legal service (IMCL) and two specialist housing providers (The Salvation Army and VincentCare) to offer legal support and assistance to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Outreach legal support is offered on site at housing services. Providing legal assistance from a housing service organisation was demonstrated to improve access to legal advice, support and assistance.
Integrated Youth Health Hub
Service co-design
We led youth co-design activities to inform development of the Integrated Youth Health Hub operated by Inspiro Community Health Centre.
The project involved a set of 4 workshops with diverse young people and opportunities for them to influence key service model elements.
The project included presentations from young people to the Hub advisory group about preferred model elements.
VADDA Submission - Victorian Mental Health Royal Commission
AOD sector consultation & submission
We completed a statewide AOD sector consultation and submission to the Victorian Mental Health Royal Commission on behalf of VAADA (Victorian Alcohol and Other Drug Association).
The consultation included a sector wide survey, workshops in each region and interviews with key stakeholders.
Consultations findings were used to develop an VADDA submission to the Royal Commission on behalf of the AOD sector.